Human Development Index

HDI index health economics


                          The Human Development Index (HDI)



The HDI is a summary composite measure of a country's average progress in the three fundamental areas of human development—health, knowledge, and standard of living—is measured by the HDI, a composite summary index. It gauges how well a nation generally performs in three areas of human development:

1-      A life expectancy at birth that is long and healthy.

2-      knowledge, as determined by the average number of years of schooling and the anticipated number of years.

3-      GNI per capita in PPP terms in US dollars indicates a respectable standard of living.


The HDI establishes "goalposts"—minimum and maximum values—for each dimension and then displays where each nation stands in relation to them. As a number between 0 and 1, this is described. Human development is a measure of a nation's economic progress.


 Repercussions and implications

The HDI is used to draw the attention of decision-makers, the media, and nongovernmental organisations and to shift the emphasis from the standard economic statistics to human consequences. It was developed to once again underline that, rather than economic growth, the most important factor in determining a nation's level of development should be its citizens and their capacities.


The HDI is also used to examine national policy decisions and see how two nations with comparable wealth per person can have such disparate levels of human development. For instance, two nations may have comparable incomes per person but vastly different life expectancies and literacy rates, resulting in one nation having a significantly higher HDI than the other. These differences encourage discussion of health and education-related government policies to ascertain why what is possible in one country is out of reach in the other.

The HDI is additionally used to draw attention to variations between nations, provinces, or states, as well as between genders, ethnicities, and other socioeconomic groups.


 General formula      Index = (actual value) - (minimum value) / (maximum value) – (minimum value).


 Formula for HDI calculation =life expectancy index + adult literacy index + GNI in PPP in US $(GDP index) / 3.


The HDI rank of India is 132 out of 191 countries and on top rank 1 Switzerland and at bottom south Sudan 191 rank.

Student of M.Sc. Epidemiology Graduated �� (Bsc.OTT) , from UK (INDIA), & So grateful to be sharing my words with you.

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