Basics Concepts

Basics of Epidemiology by Epidemiology Guru



Concepts of Epidemiology : 

What is Epidemiology? 

"According to John M. last ,in 1988, it is the study of distribution and determinants of health related events ,in a given geographical region,and its application to prevent and cure of disease.

Epi means - Among, upon,

Demos means - population/ people,

Logos means - scientific study. 


1. To  analyze diseases occurrence and distribution in the community

2. To identify etiological and risk  factors in the development of disease

3. To plan for the implementation of  preventation and control disease.

4. To eliminate and eradicate the disease.

5. To evaluate the control measures. 

6. Ultimate goal : to promote the health and wellbeing of population.

Uses of epidemiology :

Basics of Epidemiology
Basics of Epidemiology


a. Disease  frequency  - ( how much?)

b. Disease distribution - (person (who?),place (where?), time(when?)

c. Disease determinants - (causes and risk factors(WHY?) ,  preventive and therapeutic measures(What can be done?)

 Disease Frequency - it is measure by the rate,ratio, proportion, 

- measurement of frequency of disease, disability, or death.

- these rates are essential for comparing disease 

- also compares on health needs, demands, activities, tasks

- then, by which we can develop strategies for prevention or control health problems.

Disease distribution - disease is distributed either in one area or worldwide or limited to particular groups.

- it occurs in pattern in community 

- that pattern gives idea about etiological or risk factors .

Disease determinants - factors or causes related to the disease.

An epidemiological studies are aimed to find...........

Nature and extent of the disease 
* Causative agent
* Sources of infection
* Period of communicability
* Mode of  transmission
* Susceptibility of population
* Incubation period
* Method of prevention and control. 


It is defined as the process in which we start with identifying an issue which is relevant for the health of the community and we take this issue or question to its logical conclusion.



ASKING QUESTIONS:  In this,we formulate an 'epidemiological research question'.

Related to health events :  

* What are the actual & potential health problems its manifestions and characteristics ?

MAKING COMPARISONS :  after identifying relevant question, we collect the information about the various variables involved in that particular epidemiological question & describe their distribution person, place, and time. 

 we then compare this distribution between two groups, in either of the following 2 ways :- 

1} comparison between diseased and non diseased group, or 

2} A group which has the suspected riskfactors and another group which doesn't have  the suspected risk factors.

3} Based on these comp. we draw an answer as to how best we can address that particular disease or health problem. 

Basic Measurements in Epidemiology :

1. Measurement of mortality 

2. Measurement of morbidity

3. Measurement of disability

4. Measurement of the presence, absence or distribution of the characteristics of the disease. 

5. Measurement of natality

6. Measurement of medical needs, health care facilities, utilization of health services and other health-related events. 

7. Measurement of the presence, absence or distribution of the environmental and other factors suspected of causing the disease,& 

8. Measurement of demographic variables. 

Student of M.Sc. Epidemiology Graduated �� (Bsc.OTT) , from UK (INDIA), & So grateful to be sharing my words with you.

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